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How to Make More Money On The Stock Market With 15 Minutes Per Week

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Hot Stocks to Buy Today and Grow Your Investments Tomorrow

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Investing in stocks should be easy – you pick your stocks, click the buy button on your broker’s program, and viola! You are a stock owner. But turns out it’s more complicated than that. Picking the right stocks takes time, a time you don’t have. You invest to save time, not to waste it.

You can always go for index funds or similar funds, but those only give you the index return. There is nothing wrong with market returns, but a wise choice of stocks could get you much more than that. The difference between 4% and 8% per year adds up fast. It may reach a significant difference over a lifetime of investing.

Over 40 years, $1,000 invested with a 4% annual return will turn into $4,800. Not bad for a one-time investment, but can still do better. With an 8% return, you will have $21,720 to enjoy for your retirement. Not too bad either.

If you invested $1,000 per month in a 4% annual return, you will have $1,182,000 after 40 years. Even better, if it was an 8% return, you would enjoy $3,491,000 for your retirement. Yes, over three million dollars. Notice the difference? It’s all from the return.

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How You Can Actually Make Money in the Stock Market in 4 Easy Steps

1. Sign up for the Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

2. Check out their Starter Stocks. Pick 3 and buy them.

3. Read the recommendations every Thursday and buy when a buy alert comes.

4. Enjoy your growing investments.

How to Get Such Returns?

One way is learning the ins and outs of investment. Research stocks, read about funds, and analyze stock charts. This takes a long time. All you want is to buy the right stocks for these returns, not spend your nights looking at graphs.

Your Solution for Hot Stock Picks

The Motley Fool has a service for you – Stock Advisor. Two respected investors share their stock recommendations. They also tell you exactly what and how much to buy to get incredible returns. Their track record is the exact difference between 4% and 8% annual return. This can be the difference between a hard retirement and a very comfortable one. Want early retirement? That is also possible with their advice.

What Gains Can You Make?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, here is one such picture:

Motley Fool returns

Some examples of the returns you can make from The Motley Fool Stock Advisor. Taken from the performance page you will be able to access when you sign up.

Yes, these are real returns. These are the returns you will be able to have, if the Motley Fool staff chooses the right stocks, as soon as you sign up. Once you’re in, you will have access to current recommendations. Even more, you’ll see starter stocks and detailed reviews. Plus, every Thursday you will receive new recommendations. One of them could give you a 1,000% return.

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Stocks to Buy Today

Even if you want to diversify, Tom and David’s recommendations can surprise you and give you ideas. When you sign up, you will gain access to “Best Buys Now”, which are stocks you should consider for buying right now. These are companies with a positive future you can buy today.

Which Stocks to Buy? And When?

Twice a month you’ll receive a stock suggestion to buy right now. Some suggestions, such as Netflix, returned over 10,000%. This means that $1,000 invested in that stock turned into $100,000. Yes, that much.

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Some stock recommendations receive a lot of attention. So much that the stocks jump 3-5% on the same trading day. If you already own them, a single email from Stock Advisor makes you money. All it takes is an email.

Can’t I Get This for Free?

Well, no. There are many advisors out there giving advice for free. When you look for them, you need to check their track record with caution. The Motley Fool Stock Advisor (opens in a new window) has a long track record of beating the market. Tom and David know what they’re doing and they share their knowledge so you can succeed in investing as well.

What If It Doesn’t Work?

You have no commitment. You can get all your money back in the first 30 days and keep all the information you received. After that, you don’t have to renew. Don’t like the service? Tell them to end it. Like the service? Even better – you can keep getting Tom and David’s advice to grow your investments.

The way we see it you have nothing to lose. If you don’t like it, you keep your money. If you like it, you grow your money. You win either way.

What Are You Waiting For? Start Investing Today!

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