Credit Repair

Best Credit Clean Up Companies Overview: Which Services are the Most Trustworthy?

There are so many bad and illegitimate credit repair agencies out there, but as long as you familiarize yourself with the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) and know your rights, you should be able to pick a legit one. While none of these services can perform miracles, the best credit clean up companies will do everything legally possible to repair your credit report so that your score will increase in the shortest amount of time possible. They CANNOT guarantee that the score will increase by a specific number, however.

And this kind of service can really work and doesn’t have to cost that much money. You shouldn’t be required to pay money upfront. There must always be a free consultation. The CROA mandates that these types of companies must be able to explain the following:

• Your legal rights (written) regarding credit repair
• The costs involved and your right to cancel for at least 3 days
• An estimated timeline
• A detailed plan on everything the company will do to help you and the specifics involved

You should have the legal option to take them to court if they fail to perform the actions they promise.

What ARE some of the best credit clean up companies? Which ones should you consider?

Here are some of the best ones:

Sky Blue Credit

This company has been offering credit repair services since 1989, and has earned its reputation as being very user-friendly. There is one price for all services. You won’t be confused with the different tiers or upgrades that some of the other companies offer. Sky Blue promises to dispute 5 items per bureau (for a total of 15) every 35 days to deliver a quick pace.

Credit Saint

There are many reasons why this is a good company: it has a A+ BBB rating, 90-day money back guarantee, and custom written arguments tailored to each individual client’s circumstances. Other credit repair companies only use pre-written arguments. If you choose Credit Saint, you’ll be assigned a team of experts who will watch over your case. Your team will call you regularly to keep you informed of what is going on.

Lexington Law

If it is available in your state, you’ll definitely want to consider Lexington Law. This organization has teams of actual lawyers and paralegals spanning over 20 states. Customer support is available everyday via email, online chat, or phone. When you first contact them, you will receive a free, in-depth consultation where you’ll learn how to analyze your credit reports. It it’s determined that you’d be a good candidate for credit repair services, you’ll be able to get started as a client.

Before contacting one of the best credit clean up companies, make sure it’s really a service you’ll need. Are there too many issues with your credit reports that you feel that you won’t be able to handle by yourself?

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