Credit Repair

Best Credit Fixers Guide: Need Credit Repair? What Kinds of Services are Available?

Credit repair companies, or “fixers”, will help you get rid of negative items on your credit report. While credit repair is something you can try to do on your own, it can take a long time and be a frustrating experience. It’s a good idea to hire a specialist to do all of the hard work for you so that the process will go more quickly and smoothly. The best credit fixers will NOT make any specific claims about what they can or cannot do. What they will do is promise that they will do everything legally possible to help you get those negative items removed.

The ideal repair specialist should be knowledgeable in all of the laws regarding the credit reporting industry, and understand the Credit Repair Organizations Act, Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and so forth. They should also be aware of your specific state laws, and they vary from one state to the next. In some states, it can take up to 10 years for defaults and bankruptcy details to stay on your credit report. The best credit fixers will try to negotiate with the creditors and credit bureaus in a way that benefits you as much as possible.

Best Credit Fixers and Their Limits

Don’t pay for any services upfront. Wait until you get a free consultation. The repair company will first pull your credit reports and identify all the errors, after which they’ll collect all of your documentation that could potentially support your disputes. Even if there are any legitimate negative marks, there still might be a chance to negotiate. There are three credit bureaus, and the best credit repair organization will review all three of them, as they don’t always share all the same information. Some lenders and credit card companies only report to one or two bureaus and not all three.

There is no “magic fix”. Even the best credit fixers won’t be able to raise your credit scores overnight. What they will do is any and every legal thing they can to help you increase the chances that your credit will be improved and that your scores will go up. They won’t advise you to dispute any information that is actually accurate. Instead, they should see if there is a way to negotiate using only legal methods. You should also never be asked to provide phony information on new loan or credit applications.

Some credit repair companies have different levels of services that vary in price. Look over each level of service and decide how much assistance you need. You should be given the option to cancel at any time.

Lexington Law has a good payment structure, and is a highly-rated, reputable organization that operates in several states. They are among the best credit fixers, and you can get a Free Credit Repair Consultation today.

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