Business Insurance

Commercial Business Insurance Info: Are You New to Business Insurance? What Do You Need to Know?

What exactly is “commercial business insurance”? As the name suggests, it’s a type of insurance that protects businesses, business owners, commercial properties, and employees. Because every business has different needs, there is really no one-size-fits-all solution.

Some of the factors that affect the costs of commercial business insurance include:

• Location of business
• Number of years in the industry
• Number of employees
• Gross annual revenue
• Whether the business leases, owns, or rents the building(s) or office(s) from which they operate
• Whether the company rents or owns vehicles

Liability insurance is always a good idea to have. You and your organization will be protected in the event that a third party tries to sue you. Even if your business is small, you never know when you might be facing a lawsuit. These days, people will try to sue anybody for any stupid reason. If you don’t have good commercial business insurance, your entire organization could be jeopardized if you are facing a lawsuit.

How do you know which commercial insurance policy to choose? Once again, the type of industry you are involved in and the size of your business will play a role in determining the best insurance solution. Know what you need. Perhaps you might need extra workman’s comp if you are a general contractor. If you are involved in a photography business, there is commercial insurance coverage that will protect your equipment.

Compare Quotes of Commercial Business Insurance

Compare multiple quotes and decide which one offers the commercial insurance you absolutely need. You may or may not need any extras. Reach each and every policy carefully and asks questions if anything is unclear. Also, decide whether you would prefer to have a bigger deductible so that you can just pay a smaller premium, or if you’d prefer it the other way around.

As far as “extras” go, these days a lot of companies opt for cyber security insurance. This type of coverage provides the tools necessary to protect your organization from cyber attacks and minimize the damages from cyber threats.

At the very least, you’ll want general liability insurance. It’s also worth considering getting a tailored policy for your business depending on the industry you are involved in, whether it’s IT, real estate, photography, consulting, marketing, architecture / engineering, etc.

Where should you begin your search for commercial business insurance? You can learn a lot more information at HISCOX: “Americas Number One Online Small Business Insurance”. There are a number of solutions – including tailored policies – for you to check out.

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