Credit Repair

Credit Fixing Service: Guide to Weeding Out the Good Companies from the Scams

One industry that is really notorious for scams this day and age is the “credit fixing” industry. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t some legitimate services that can really help you, though. You just need to know how to weed out a real credit fixing service from the scams. One huge red flag that a service is a scam is that makes some outlandish claims or “100% guarantees”. When it comes to credit repair, there are no “100% guarantees”, aside from the guarantee that a company will do everything they LEGALLY can to help you, but the results themselves can’t truly be guaranteed.

Then why opt for credit repairs services if the results aren’t 100% guaranteed? Because they simplify the process of having errors removed from your report and handling disputes with creditors. Many of these things you can do yourself, but the processes can be very time consuming, and it really helps to have legal experts on your side. Speaking of which, one important thing to look for when selecting a credit fixing service is a company that is either run by a lawyer or has lawyers involved in the network, who will help with your case.

Never, ever pay money up front. Run away from any company that asks you to do so. At the very least, they should offer you a free consultation. Explain your situation to them and that you think that there are some errors that need addressing. Have them take a look at your case to determine whether or not they really will be able to help you.

Reliability of a Credit Fixing Service

Any company that claims to help you fix your credit score should be entirely upfront about what they can and cannot do for your case. If there is nothing they can do legally to help you, then should inform you about it. What a good company can do is help remove negative items if they are either there in error or if there is some dispute about whether they should be on there. Make sure they evaluate all three of your credit reports: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, and that they consult you about anything they can do to help you (if there is anything).

If there are items on any of these reports that can be disputed, the ideal company will file disputes on your behalf using helpful, legal strategies that yield a high rate of success. Only pay once they begin doing this process.

One of the most important things to consider is communication. The ideal credit fixing service should offer good customer support and be willing to answer any questions you have in a timely manner. You should start with Lexington Law, which offers services in most states. Lexington Law offers a FREE, personal consultation regarding your credit score.

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