Identity Protection

Experian IdentityWorks Review: Get FICO Score Alerts, Social Media Monitoring, Credit Monitoring, and More

Always be on the lookout for fraud. Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated and can even steal your info through no fault or mistake of your own. There have been significant breaches with large organizations, including even Equifax itself. Since there is no way for you to know who has your info and how much of it is out there, you can only combat it by monitoring it through credit monitoring services such as Experian IdentiyWorks.

There are different services and tools that you can choose from, some of which are for a single adult and some for two adults or children (up to 10). Even younger children are at risk of identity theft if their social security number is stolen. Monitor not just Experian reports but all three since the information reported to one or two might not be reported to all. For example, a cybercriminal could have opened up a credit card account with a company that only reports to TransUnion.

Another reason to keep an eye on your credit reports is that the information isn’t always 100% accurate. Lenders don’t always report things fairly. There is also the possibility of your details not being up-to-date. You won’t even know about it unless you use Experian IdentityWorks to review your three reports several times throughout the year.

Experian IdentityWorks Plus and Premium

The Plus and Premium plans offer identity theft monitoring tools such as dark web surveillance, social security # monitoring, Experian CreditLock, FICO score notifications, access to fraud-resolution specialists in the US, lost wallet assistance, etc.

Some plans include social media monitoring as well. It’s not like it’s a secret that social media companies keep tabs on you and sell your information. How much of your info is private? Suppose you’re someone who relies on social media a lot. Whether it’s for personal use or business/marketing purposes, you can’t go wrong with a quality monitoring service. Experian IdentityWorks allows users of that plan to set alerts and receive warning notifications should anything unusual happen with their accounts.

This article is just a quick overview of what to expect with this service. Many additional services, alerts, tools, etc., are available, depending on which plan you choose. Of course, the prices vary, but you can check on Experian IdentityWorks discounts and coupon offers to find out what kind(s) of deals are currently available. From there, it’s easy to get started, and you can get a 30-day trial.

Posted in Credit and Debt, Credit Reporting, Identity Protection and tagged , , .

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