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FarmTogether Review: Quick Glance at the Platform, Accredited Investor Options, and What to Expect

Farmland is usually to be a pretty safe investment for the most part. It doesn’t have as much volatility as most other asset classes during chaotic economic times. It tends to remain stable and has been one of the top risk-adjusted investment classes. There is no need actually to go out and buy your farm. All you have to do is read any FarmTogether review to learn that this company offers some great opportunities for beginners.

About FarmTogether

This investment platform simplifies the process of buying fractional shares of various types of farmland properties and orchards. FarmTogether carefully curates industrial-grade agricultural land to bring prospective investors. As a result, approved investors can find quality investment opportunities at affordable fees and expect strong absolute returns (estimated 7% – 13%).


There are two types of offers: Crowdfunded Farmland and Sole Ownership Bespoke. With the crowdfunded offerings, the requirement is that accredited investors have a minimum of $15,000. Hold periods start from five years, although annual liquidity windows may allow for earlier exits.

We should mention in a FarmTogether review that the company may utilize leverage to help improve the offering’s returns. The cash yield and risk-return profile are at the discretion of the investor. Those who opt for this opportunity should know that it is ineligible for 1031 exchanges.

The Sole Ownership Bespoke opportunity is ideal for individual investors who want sole ownership and have at least $1,000,000 that they are willing to spend in equity per farm. 1031 exchanges are eligible.

Important Things to Know in This FarmTogether Review

The company partners with all types of experts on farmland and agricultural investments, including local operators, to negotiate service agreements and enhance sustainable farmland practices to ensure profitable long-term returns for investors.

If you become an investor through FarmTogether, you’ll be able to monitor your investment. In addition, there is secure access to all of the essential investment documents and performance reports, as well as tools for learning more about payout and projection comparisons, history, and so forth.

As for tax information, you upload it to the investor account overview with all other financial documentation. So you can easily access it and view it. Unfortunately, FarmTogether does not provide any legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you need assistance with it, consult with your accountant and financial advisors.


This FarmTogether review is just a glance at the platform’s good opportunities for accredited investors interested in long-term profit potential with farmland properties. So if you pass as an accredited investor and think FarmTogether might be right for you, check out all of their free resources and whitepaper to help you get started.

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