Investment Tips

Good Investment Ideas Guide for 2021: ETFs, Tech Companies, Restaurants, & More

What are some good investment ideas during these strange times? As we all learned in 2020, a somewhat stable economy can quickly go wrong. Those who are suddenly unable to go to work get behind on bills, mortgages, and even food. It might not seem like it’s worth investing much in anything – especially investments that come with some risks.

How is it possible to find good opportunities that are relatively safe and bring a decent profit in today’s economy? It’s always a good idea to have a mix of low-risk investments with a few riskier but higher-return investments.

Here are just a few ideas you might want to look into:

Dividend stock funds

This option is for intermediate and advanced investors. It refers to a portion of a company’s profit that is paid out to shareholders quarterly. Dividends are safer than growth stocks and other non-dividend stocks, although you’ll still need to choose carefully. Instead of selecting companies with the highest current yield, look at their backgrounds, and choose ones that historically have reliable dividend increases.


Exchange-traded funds are always low to medium-risk investments for every type of investor. They are similar to mutual funds, except that they are traded like common stocks on an exchange and have a low-priced entry. A few ETFs to look into at the beginning of 2021 include Vanguard S&P 500, Vanguard Value ETF, Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy, and Global X FinTech.

Zoom Video Communication

With so many Americans working from home, and students now having to take classes from home, it’s not surprising that Zoom (NASDAQ: ZM) is among the excellent investment ideas. It’s not going away anytime soon and will likely only grow in the future. More businesses realize they can utilize it in beneficial ways. More people start to open up their work at home businesses.


Like Zoom, Lululemon is another company that achieved substantial revenue growth over the past year. Millions of people unable to go to work have had more time to do leisurely activities to work out. This time means athletic apparel and yoga accessories from companies like Lululemon (Nasdaq: LULU) are really good investment ideas.

Restaurants Delivering and Offering Curbside Service

Everybody still wants to enjoy food from their favorite restaurants, but dine-in options are rare these days. Restaurants and meal service companies that have utilized curbside services and delivery over the past several months include Texas Roadhouse, Dominos, Papa John’s, and Door Dash. You might want to look into food ordering and delivery apps and consider investing in them as well.

This list of good investment ideas covers just a few options. Hopefully, at least one or two are what you want. You can always get the best investment advice from newsletter services like Capitalist Exploits.

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