Investment Tips

Great Investment Ideas Right Now for Profiting During the Eventual Global Economic Rebound

Are you concerned about the state of the stock market these days? Don’t worry – there are still some great investment ideas worth considering. Layoffs and files for unemployment are increasing in pretty much every industry, but the downtown in the world’s markets isn’t going to be permanent. There are plenty of opportunities for investors.

Some experts even recommend being an aggressive investor during these huge economic downturns. However, you’ll want to do that right now while you can. Don’t be certain that the stocks are going to down even more. While many of them will, there is still some level of unpredictability.

You don’t have to just buy stocks, either. Consider doubling your 401(k) contribution rates right now. Maintain those levels as long as you possibly can.

If you are interested in great investment ideas in certain sectors, where should you start? Consider investing in not only US stocks, but stocks based in countries that are already starting to cover (like China).

Great Investment Ideas You Can Try

• Apple, for example, might be ideal to invest in right now (AAPL). The tech giant has been hit pretty hard in recent weeks. Not only have many Apple stores and offices have been closed, the factories from which the company gets its hardware and components made have closed as well. But since it is Apple and the 5G iPhone launch is still expected later this year, expect a huge rebound by the end of 2020.

• Athletic apparel brands – especially Nike (NKE) are likely to rebound once consumers’ fears subside and they want to go out and buy a new pair of quality shoes. While shoes can be ordered online, there is no chance to try them on and many people still prefer going to the store and buying them the old fashioned way. Also, people will want to start hitting the gym or go jogging again, which will result in a higher demand for good quality shoes.

• Bio-pharma / bio-tech stocks such as Gilead should be mentioned on a list for great investment ideas, due to the rush of developing a treatment for the virus. In addition to trying to developing a treatment, there will be various research and trials in the weeks to come as well.

• The airline industry has really suffered through this pandemic, but as the country (and rest of the world) slowly opens back up, the need for business-related travel will increase.

Note: there is never any 100% guarantee in the stock market. These are simply great investment ideas to think about. Motley Fool is a good place to learn more about picking the right stocks as well as other smart investing strategies.

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