Home Insurance

House Insurance Online Guide: 5 Mistakes You MUST Avoid When Buying Home Insurance

Home insurance is something that most people require. While it is very easy to search for house insurance online, it’s not as easy to actually select a policy. There are plenty of mistakes that people make when selecting coverage. Just one mistake can cost you dearly.

Since it’s probably one of – if not THE – most valuable asset you own, it’s essential that you buy the correct type of insurance for your house.

Here are some huge mistakes you’ll want to avoid when purchasing house insurance online:

Mistake #1: Underinsuring your home

Many people go with the lowest price thinking they will save money every month. They buy only enough insurance to cover the mortgage, or only insure the house for its real estate value, in the gamble that the house won’t burn to the ground or get flooded out.

But that shouldn’t be a gamble you take. What you should do is buy enough coverage so that you will easily be able to rebuild the home. Building a house usually costs more than what it is worth – especially considering the increase in construction prices.

Mistake #2: Not buying contents insurance

Don’t forget about the actual contents INSIDE the home when shopping around for house insurance. Make sure the policy includes your personal belongings. What are you going to do if your favorite, expensive piece of jewelry is stolen? Or all of the furniture, floors, and appliances on the first floor and basement are destroyed in a flood?

Mistake #3: Overestimating your amount of coverage

Don’t just assume that because the monthly payment is high that it covers everything. You must know all of the details of the policy. You could end up filing a claim for nothing. Before making any agreements with an insurance company, make sure you understand what is covered, what is not covered, when you will be allowed to make a claim, and for how much.

Mistake #4: Not setting your deductible correctly

Another common mistake many people make when buying house insurance online is setting their deductible either too low or too high. With too high of a deductible, you could end up with large premium payments. With it too low, you will wind up paying more out of the pocket when something goes wrong.

Mistake #5: Ignoring certain types of weather coverage

Whether you live at a high elevation and don’t think you’ll need flood coverage, or live outside of an area prone to earthquakes and don’t think you’ll need earthquake coverage, you are mistaken. Anything can cause a flood, including a plumbing disaster. Even if it’s not your entire property, you’ll still have some damages to worry about. As for an earthquake, there are states other than California, HI, and Alaska to worry about. There are Faults in other parts of North America as well.

Keep these factors in mind when searching for house insurance online. The best place to start is with Lemonade. It offers a variety of affordable policies for homeowners and renters, and even covers contents. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to find Lemoande sales and coupon offers.

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