Investment Tips

How to Put Money in Stocks Introductory Guide: How to Start Investing Online

Are you interested in buying stocks, or putting money into an investment account, but don’t know where to start? It isn’t difficult to learn how to put money in stocks. What is difficult is deciding which stocks to put the money in, and which broker to go through.

If you’re new to investing altogether then you probably don’t want to take the DIY approach, no matter how confident you feel. You’ll need to at least have access to learning materials and tools that are designed to help beginner and casual traders.

Don’t have enough money to go through a full-service broker who will do most of the work for you? Don’t worry – this is the age of the internet. There are things like online discount brokers and ROBO-Advisors. A ROBO advisor service provides all of the investment management you’ll need. To begin, you’ll be asked questions about your investing goals, and the “robot” will help you build a portfolio designed to aim for those goals.

When choosing a discount broker, make sure it is a reputable company that does not charge any hidden fees. Its platform, resources, tools, etc. should be user-friendly. It should be easy to get started with and offer versatile trading options. The online discount broker solution may or may not come with a ROBO-advisor.

A Serivce That Will Show You How to Put Money in Stocks

Regardless of which service you sign up for as you learn how to put money in stocks, you should always consider the “FAANG” companies, which are particularly good for beginners. These include Facebook / Amazon / Apple / Netflix / Google. These Big Tech conglomerates have their paws in just about everything these days, from electronics to entertainment. There are also Dividend stocks to consider, which is something many kinds of investors are interested in. Dividend payers often outperform those stocks that have not paid dividends. A few options include AT&T, Ford, Verizon, CareTrust REIT, TerraForm Power, etc.

Most experts recommend that you stick with individual stocks only if you really believe in that company’s long-term growth possibilities. If you want to stick mostly with funds, it’s a good idea to build a simple portfolio of a broad-based and low-cost options.

As you begin to get the hang of investing, you’ll want to branch out a bit and diversify your portfolio some more. You should sign up to start receiving top stock picks and other expert advice for both short-term and long-term investing opportunities. The best place to learn more about how to put money in stocks is Motley Fool. It’s an excellent service and a huge source of information for all types of investors.

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