Investment Tips

Investment Opportunities: An Overview of 5 Different Investing Ideas to Consider

Many people don’t realize it, but there are investment opportunities everywhere. They are all around us. An investment opportunity is any avenue a person can go down to use his or her money to profit even more money. It can be putting money into savings accounts with high APY% or going all out and becoming a daily stock trader. The possibilities are almost limitless.
But then there is the current state of the economy and the fact that the future only looks bleaker. Where is a “safe” place you can put your money right now?
Here are a few potential good investment opportunities:

Agricultural commodities

No matter how major the world’s economic downturn is, there will always be a need for food. This is especially true for crops. Corn is a good choice because it doubles as both a food commodity as well as its use in biofuels. There are 60+ countries, including the EU, that have ethanol mandates or targets in place.


Now might be a great time to look for some new businesses that might be worth investing in. With more people having to work from home, there is going to be an increase in home-based businesses. Remember to use caution. Don’t get caught up in the hype of any one startup because their sales pitch sounds interesting.

Consumer Staples

These are usually at lower risk than most other consumer products. People will always buy the necessities: toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, breakfast cereal, and so forth. This will happen whether they order it from Amazon or their local Walmart. Doesn’t matter if you buy stocks in individual companies or ETFs. Consumer staples make great investment opportunities.

Money Market Account

If you want to take the safest route and put your money into an FDIC-backed bank, then go with a money market account. It should be an online bank that can carry a competitive APY. You should also look for a small account requirement. Also, avoid unnecessary fees. To benefit from this account, you’ll have to maintain that balance minimum for several months.

Dollar Tree

Unlike other “Dollar” stores, Dollar Tree is a place where every single item is only $1. Unemployment is high these days. This makes these stores cheaper places to shop. Since Dollar Tree is a national chain with stores in almost every town, it’s getting a boost in popularity these days.
These investment opportunities offer a place to start. They might or might not be for you. You can learn about many more opportunities if you subscribe to the Motley Fool. It’s a top online newsletter and website. It offers a huge knowledgebase of ideas, guides, stock picks, market conditions, and more.
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