Home Insurance

Best House Insurance Companies: A Variety of Excellent Insurance Providers for Every Type of Property Owner

The best house insurance companies offer solutions that not only give your home the protection it needs but gives you peace of mind as well. There are various rates, coverage options, and services offered by the big-name companies and the lesser-known ones. To find the “best” one for you, you must search for a combination of the type(s) of coverage your property needs and how much you’re willing to pay.

Good customer service and straightforward claims filing and processing are essential as well. You can easily find quotes online – fill out a quote form and receive multiple quotes at once to compare.

You might also want to check out these companies to see if they offer what you’re interested in:

State Farm

State Farm has a long history of being a reputed, highly renowned home insurance company. It offers the best premiums across many states and has lower starting rates than the average company. There are several discounts as well, including savings for those with “impact-resistant” roofs. Policyholders can also expect some of the best customer services in the industry.


This firm is another big-name company that offers good service and coverage. Allstate’s area stands out compared with the other best house insurance companies is its vast resources for new homeowners. If you’re a first-time owner and all of this is new to you, then Allstate might be the best company for you. It also offers plenty of further home discounts.


Homeowners who have to update their property to meet current building codes might find Nationwide ideal. It offers ordinance/law insurance in its standard policies. Policyholders can easily file claims either by phone or online – and keep track of them.


Some of the other best house insurance companies are not ideal for military families, but USAA is. Policies cover uniforms in the event of a loss for deployed or active duty members. It’s easy to customize the coverage to help homeowners obtain an affordable rate. USAA offers to cover the home and personal belongings at today’s replacement cost, rather than depreciation.


This company is by far the most “unique” option in this list of the best house insurance companies. Lemonade Insurance offers a peer-to-peer model that disrupts the traditional market. With the first MAJOR P2P insurer in the US, Lemonade is ideal for younger, socially-responsible homeowners. It is very transparent with its setup and only takes a flat 20% fee off your premium to cover a few expenses such as technology upgrades and running costs. The claims process is pretty much the fastest, most straightforward, and hassle-free you can expect.

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