Credit Repair

Credit Repair Firm Info: Getting Started with Fixing Your Credit & Understanding the FCRA

A good, reputable credit repair firm can help prove your credit score in exchange for a reasonable fee. A fake company will offer outrageous claims that are too good to be true (i.e.: we can raise your score 100 points in just 60 days!!”) and expect you to pay upfront. This type of offer is obviously a scam.

Even though credit repair is something that can be done on your own without the assistance of a professional firm, it’s still something to look into if you don’t feel you are confident to tackle all that is involved, including careful inspection of all three of your reports, trying to figure out if every single negative item belongs there or if there is something that seems unfair or downright incorrect. It’s also a good idea to contact a credit repair firm ASAP if you see signs that you are a victim of identity fraud.

Regardless of how you choose to do it, repairing your credit is not an overnight process. There are also certain types of “errors” and negative items that can be removed. Perceived errors are just that – stuff that you feel shouldn’t belong but has a valid reason by the credit card company or bank lender for being there.

To learn more, take a look at the Fair Credit Reporting ACT (FCRA, if you haven’t already done so. This is a federal law that oversees and regulates the collection of consumers’ credit info, and ensures that consumers have access to their credit reports.

Credit Repair Firm Reviewing Process

When reviewing your credit report, one area to really look at is who else has been accessing your information The FCRA states that the only entities allowed to view your reports are those to whom you have given permission. This applies to credit companies, banks, other lenders, car dealers, employers, potential employers, and so on.

There are two reasons for you to be reviewing this part of your reports: every time someone “pulls” your reports and views them, your score goes down a bit; and it also allows you to see signs of potential fraud. If there is a name or entity that you don’t recognize that has looked at your reports, then they might have breached the FCRA or your identity has been compromised. Of course, it could be a simple misunderstanding on your part.

This is why it helps to have a professional from a credit repair firm to consult with. Whether there are actual mistakes, errors, mix-ups, or misunderstandings on ANYTHING regarding any one of your three reports, reach out to a company like Credit Saint. It’s currently ranked #1 by several publications and organizations for “challenging inaccurate credit data”.

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