Credit Repair

Credit Report Repair Info: Understanding Credit Reports, Ratings, Scores, and Your Rights as a Consumer

In the US, a “good” credit score is above 670. Anything over 700 is very good or excellent. If yours is below 670 and you’re hoping to increase it soon, you first have to get your credit reports straightened out. Immediately catch up on any payments you are currently behind on and start making smarter financial decisions in the future. Credit report repair is only one step of the process – you must do everything you can to maintain the high score once you’ve achieved it.

Credit reports and scores are not the same things, although they tie in together. The score counts various factors that affect your credit-worthiness. These include the number of credit cards and loans, credit limits and balances, on-time payments and late-payments, inquiries, etc. There are three report bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion), and not all creditors and lenders submit your payment information to the same bureau.

This difference means that your score is likely going to differ from one report to the next. Get a copy of all three reports and look over all of the information and details. You know you’ll need credit report repair services if there appear to be any inaccuracies, discrepancies, anything that might be unfair. While you can undoubtedly dispute each item on your own, you might not get very far if you lack the knowledge and aren’t familiar with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Credit Report Repair With Agencies

Don’t forget about the Equifax breach from a few years back, either. If you haven’t done so, check and see if your report was compromised and if there are signs of fraud.

Many people turn to credit report repair agencies whenever they feel as if they are in over their heads and aren’t confident that they can handle everything independently. You must understand what precisely this kind of agency can do for you and what it cannot do. They cannot perform miracles and raise your score overnight, and if they claim that they can, they are most likely a scam. Watch out for red flags.

They should be upfront with you right from the start and not expect any payment until they have carefully evaluated your reports.

It would be best to work with a credit report repair agency with legal representatives in its network. Lexington Law is a highly-rated firm that will connect you with a paralegal who will help you through every step of the way. Check and see if it is available in your area. In 2019 alone, Lexington Law’s clients saw over 1.5 million negative credit report items removed.

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