Home Insurance

Buy Home Insurance Online: Guide to the 5 Types of Coverage and a Look at Typical Perils

Like it or not, home insurance is essential. It’s also something you must have as part of the agreement with your mortgage lender. Even if you have the loan paid off and the home is 100% yours, you still don’t want to ditch the insurance, as the house is probably the most expensive thing you’ll probably have in your life. All of that money spent will be a complete waste when something destroys that home; all it takes is a single fire. Just buy home insurance online to protect that investment.

What exactly does it cover? How much of the home will be protected? Here are the five types of coverage that homeowners insurance policies typically include:

  • Dwelling – for insuring the structure of the house or condo, including attached structures such as garages, porches, and appliances.
  • Other structures – sheds, dog house, in-ground pools, etc.
  • Liability – protection against lawsuits if someone is injured anywhere on the property, inside or out.
  • Personal property – furniture, electronics, jewelry (depending on the insurance company), etc.
  • Additional living expenses – to help pay for your costs if the home becomes unlivable, whether renovations are going on or something destroyed the house.

Buy Home Insurance Online With the Right Coverage

Not every policy will cover all 5 of these – you may need to add if you think you’ll need them. Keep this in mind when you buy home insurance online, and compare how much coverage you’ll get from each insurer.

The perils that the insurance company protects from also vary from one insurance company to the next. Still, it usually includes fire, theft, lightning, heavy snow or ice, and wind damage. Companies don’t always include protection from floods. If you live near a water body – even if it’s just a small stream – or have concerns about the piping system, it’s a good idea to go ahead and add it.

Depending on where the house stands, you might need to look for earthquake, hurricane, or tornado damage when you buy home insurance online. It’s possible to get discounts if you disaster-proof the home as much as possible. For example, have durable materials cover your roof, fiberglass windows, a sprinkler system, etc. Check the crime rate in the area as well. Unless it’s extremely low, it might be a good idea to invest in some home security products.

So, how DO you buy home insurance online? Once again, think about the perils your property needs protected from, and start comparing quotes and researching your options. Lemonade Insurance is a good option as it is very affordable and keeps everything simple. It even works with all major banks and lenders and will deal with your mortgage on your behalf.

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